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Ivory Coast | ZIC

Cotton opportunity

Ivory Coast is one of Africa’s top cotton producers. In 2023, the country produced approximately 600,000 to 650,000 metric tons of cottonseed, making it one of the leading cotton producers on the continent.

Ivory Coast is one of Africa’s top cotton producers. In 2023, the country produced approximately 600,000 to 650,000 metric tons of cottonseed, making it one of the leading cotton producers on the continent.

Cotton by-product markets
Cotton Lint

Cotton Lint

Medical Supplies (Bandage, Face Masks)

Medical Supplies (Bandage, Face Masks)

Cottonseed Oil

Cottonseed Oil

Textile (Garmenting)

Textile (Garmenting)

Cottonseed Cake

Cottonseed Cake

Cotton Swabs

Cotton Swabs

Packaging (Cotton Bags)

Packaging (Cotton Bags)

Cotton Processing

650,000 metric tons

of cottonseed production annually

$1 Billion

in revenue generated by cotton exports

Ivory Coast
Cotton Business in Ivory Coast, ZIC: Advantages For Investors
  • Export Earnings: Cotton is a significant cash crop for Ivory Coast. The cotton sector contributes roughly 2-3% to the country’s GDP. In 2022, cotton exports generated over $1 billion in revenue for Ivory Coast.
  • Employment: The cotton industry supports around 4 million people, including farmers, laborers, and workers in processing and related sectors.
  • Area Cultivated: Cotton is grown on approximately 450,000 to 500,000 hectares of land in Ivory Coast. This represents a substantial portion of the country's arable land dedicated to cash crops.
  • Yield per Hectare: The average cotton yield in Ivory Coast is around 1,200 to 1,500 kilograms per hectare. This is relatively high compared to other West African countries but still below global leaders such as the U.S. or Australia.
  • Improvement Potential: With continued investments in research and development, there is potential to increase yields and productivity significantly.
  • Exports: Ivory Coast exports cotton primarily to countries in Europe and Asia. Key export destinations include China, Bangladesh, and various European nations.
  • Global Ranking: The country ranks among the top 10 cotton producers globally and is a significant player in the global cotton trade.


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