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Renewable Energy

Renewable Energy

Africa's abundant sunshine and wind power offer a clean energy revolution. Invest in a sustainable future for the continent! Be part of the companies harnessing Africa's natural resources for a greener tomorrow.

Africa's abundant sunshine and wind power offer a clean energy revolution. Invest in a sustainable future for the continent! Be part of the companies harnessing Africa's natural resources for a greener tomorrow.

$1.3 Tn

Market Size



$3.4 Tn


Untapped Potential: Invest in Africa's Renewable Energy Business Sector

Africa is blessed with an abundance of renewable resources. Solar irradiation across the continent is some of the highest globally, with wind and geothermal resources also offering substantial development opportunities. For instance, the World Bank estimates Sub-Saharan Africa's solar potential alone to be 10 TW (terawatt), enough to meet the entire world's current electricity demand seven times over.


Despite the potential, Africa's renewable energy sector faces a significant funding gap, estimated at USD 17 billion annually (African Development Bank). However, the investment landscape is evolving rapidly. Renewable energy capacity additions are outpacing fossil fuels, with a record 12.5 GW of new renewable energy capacity installed in Africa in 2022 (IEA).


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